Sunday 29 May 2016

The Big Win (Stephen L. Weiss)

This book is written by Weiss, himself a partner at Short Hills Capital Partners, a CNBC contributor and author of The Billion Dollar Mistake: Learning from the Art of Investing Through the Missteps of Legendary Investors (information from book jacket). The book is similar to the Market Wizards series where Weiss interviews different investors.

Investor interviewed run a wide range, from Jim Rogers to James S. Chanos. The investment categories include commodities, property, small caps, etc. Each chapter includes a short biography of each investor, the person's views and strategies and a commentary/ summary from Weiss. There are some diagrams showing the investor's strategies and examples are explained. The book is easy to read although it may not be very engaging.

There are nuggets of information in some chapters but I don't find this book to be very enlightening generally. Readers may choose to skip chapters or skim. Suitable for any level of investor; however, not a book for traders.

Found in NLB: Yes

Recommended: No